Mini Rumpel Reviews Part 1

*cracks knuckles* It’s high time we start talking about Rumpelstiltskin retellings, folks. I mean, SERIOUSLY. For some reason, my brain was registering Rumpelstiltskin as a lesser-ish fairytale, meaning not as big as — oh, say — Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. And yes, while that is true, Rumpel has really made a name for himself, and people are flocking to his side. He has quite the following, if I’m going to be completely honest.

To help me keep track of fairytale retellings, I make lists of them all (or the ones I want to read, anyway) on my Goodreads account. Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast both have over 100 retellings within their respective lists, and others like the Steadfast Tin Solider linger below 10. I checked my Rumpelstiltskin list this week in preparation of releasing A Bit of Gold, and was blown away to discover I had over 40 Rumpelstiltskin retellings in that list! And I don’t even have them all!

I’ve read a handful of them, and here I’d like to take the opportunity to quickly list and review a few of them for you. Some are excellent, some are okay once through, and some just not worth your time.


The Miller’s Girl: A Rumpelstiltskin Fairy Tale

Nina Clare

3 out of 5 stars

This book started out so well! I really enjoyed reading about Adela and her brothers, and I instantly connected with their story. And it morphed so beautifully into so much more. It definitely felt like the classic Rumpelstiltskin retelling that I wanted to read, experience, and love. And it was almost that. The ending just fell very flat; it was almost as if the author got bored with the story and tried to finish it as quickly as possible. I was so torn, because I’d loved the first half so much. I’d definitely like to read something from this author that’s more recently published to see how she’s improved. And I will probably end up doing a full review of this book sometime.


The Weaver’s Son

Stevie Rae Causey

2 out of 5 stars

If you want a full backstory to Rumpelstiltskin, and make him a lovable, relatable character, read this book. It has a severe cliffhanger, so be ye warned. The mysterious fae settings and atmosphere are strong with this book. I enjoyed the different tone it had, but to an extent. Sometimes it felt too mysterious and ended up just being downright confusing. Along with some language and some content, my rating fell down to a 2 stars. Not exactly my cup of tea. Pity, since I really got invested at the end and was so mad to find the cliffhanger. *guffaws*


Spinning Silver

Naomi Novik

4 out of 5 stars

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Rumpelstiltskin had won the bet and taken the queen’s child? This story answers that question. I loved how the author wove the original elements from the fairytale into this story; just marvelously done. It does have a darker tone overall, but not overboard in my opinion. If you’re interested in reading a full review, I actually posted a full review here a few years ago.


The Curse of Gold

A.G. Marshall

5 out of 5 stars

Reading this reminded me of how much I need to actually sit down and read one of A.G. Marshall’s full length books. Still can’t believe I haven’t done that yet. This is just the twisted Rumpelstiltskin short story you would want — with hints of Puss in Boots, if I’m completely honest. The miller’s daughter CAN spin straw into gold, only she doesn’t want this curse. The story is satisfying in its small bite by itself, but it does leave you wanting more. A little humorous, a little dangerous, and just pure Rumpelstiltskin. If you want a quick fairytale pick-me-up, I highly suggest Marshall’s short stories.


And that’s all for now, folks! Stop by tomorrow for a handful more of mini Rumpel reviews.

As part of the blog tour for A Bit of Gold, I’m sharing about the importance of fairytale retellings over on Madi’s blog. Be sure to go check it out!

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